Personality Profile – Considerate Creator

So, a bunch of us at work took the PersonalDNA online personality test. They seem to do it right, not asking for personal information up front, providing an interesting experience (not too many questions, not totally superficial, sliders, multi-way sliders, 2-D charts).

The results were interesting, grouping us differently than I might have predicted. Surprisingly, I grouped with our graphic designer (and others) as a “creator.” Now, I’m a project manager, I typically do not “make” much besides status reports and burndown charts on hours and budgets. I hold a little structure/the larger project view, but that doesn’t fit my idea of being a creative person.

The more I think about it, though, I do have several pastimes that involve making things – photography, gardening (though with all the change the past few summers, my garden is a bit worse for wear), journaling, blogging, knitting. I spend an inordinate amount of my free time making things, and I really resist structure in those activities. For instance, my favorite knitting reference is The Handknitters Design Book (apparently not pictured anywhere online!) which is a technique recipe book. Allison Ellen provides only a few start-to-finish patterns, but she shares lots of information and inspiration on how to assemble your own patterns.

Hmmmm. Do I need to get a bit more of that creative spirit into my day job?


8 responses to “Personality Profile – Considerate Creator”

  1. Amy Avatar

    Neat test! I just took it, and it said I am a “respectful leader”. I’m not too sure about the leader stuff, but I do enjoy telling my roommates to clean up after themselves. My dominant trait is “earthy”, and my least dominant trait is “empathy.” Heh.

  2. Dave Avatar

    I am an “animated analyst”

  3. Dunrie Avatar

    Interesting. Neither you nor Dave are high empathy and both are highly earthy. I’m low earthy and high empathy. Opposites attract, I suppose ;).

  4. Chris Avatar

    Benevolent Idealist. Highest in empathy. Lowest in spontaneity. Not earthy. Part of Dunrie’s clan.

  5. Franziska and Dick Avatar
    Franziska and Dick

    generous creator

  6. Amy Avatar

    That is really interesting. Now I want to get Mom & Dad to do this and see what comes up.

  7. Janet Avatar

    OK…I am Animated Director. Oh dear, another low empathy Higbie. Extroversion is high. No surprise there. Earthy? OK. Seems perfect for an elementary teacher! Very fun.

  8. Dan C. Avatar
    Dan C.

    Benevolent Inventor