
As a child I worshiped books. I loved having books read to me, I loved learning to read. I loved staying up late and reading under the covers. My proudest accomplishments are the books I have created and contributed to over my career.

I started with my senior thesis in college and then, of course, a dissertation for my doctorate.

In between college and grad school, I had a Princeton Project 55 (now Princeton AlumnCorps) Fellowship at the New Jersey Conservation Foundation. There, I prepared and they published a book describing the habitat, current land use, and plans for a greenway in the Arthur Kill watershed (1993).

After I completed my dissertation, I was a technical writer and project manager at BioMedware, and our research there was included in the Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis: Software Tools, Methods, and Applications (2009).

I co-write the book Internet Marketing Start to Finish while I was at Pure Visibility.

And then, I helped Robert Pasick publish his book Self-Aware.

How It Worked