Leadership in the Environmental Sector

Panel photo from Leaders Connect on Environmental Leadership January 2024
Rob Pasick, Dunrie Greiling, Lisa Wozniak, Phil Roos, and Timothy Dekker at the Leadership in the Environmental Sector

In late January, I moderated a panel at Rob Pasick’s Leaders Connect on environmental leadership. The panelists included

  • Phil Roos, the Director of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)
  • Timothy Dekker, PhD PE, the CEO of LimnoTech
  • Lisa Wozniak, the Executive Director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters

Each of the speakers shared about their journey to their current leadership positions, their philosophy of leadership, and advice for aspiring leaders. The audience also asked good questions about community involvement and the future and current impact of AI/ML on environmental solutions.

Here’s Rob’s overview of the leadership in the environmental sector panel.

Their advice for aspiring environmental leaders

Lean into what you’re good at and don’t pretend you’re going to be good at everything. Be humble in recognizing where you need to bring in smart people to be part of your team and trust them, give them responsibility that they can own and run with.

Lisa Wozniak, 1:04:50 in video

If you’re a young leader, really spend some time learning how to write. If you can pair your scientific expertise, or your very technical expertise, or your legal or policy expertise with that abiliy to write you really can change the world.

Timothy Dekker 1:07:34 in video

We’re all on a lifelong journey of figuring out why we’re on the planet, what we’re supposed to do, what we’re passionate about, [and] how does that fit with what needs are in the world. And I think it is about constructing for yourself a lot of experiments: ways of trying different things that gradually lead you to that union between who you are and what you’re about, why you’re here, and some pressing issue in the world that needs to be solved.

Phil Roos 1:08:33 in video

Thanks to the panelists for sharing your wisdom and stories. Thanks to Rob for a great morning!