Ravelry.com has exponentially increased my knitting fun (gratitude #50)

I love knitting. I love yarn. I love yarn shops. I love bamboo and birch needles. I love starting projects. I love finishing them. I love photographing my knitting. I love looking at other people’s knitting (commercial, machine, and hand-knitted) for ideas about pattern and color and yarn.

My projects on Ravelry
My projects on Ravelry

Ravelry.com has just exponentially increased my knitting fun by providing a huge community of ideas, project photos, yarns, patterns, and stories. I’m completely and totally addicted. I have queued up projects/patterns. I have surfed photos of knitted up socks to try to determine the perfect Colinette Jitterbug colorway (I must keep surfing the photos, and testing different colorways in person, doctor’s orders).

Ravelry might be my absolute favorite social networking site (Twitter is its close competitor). It is a closed community, so it is hard to share with my non-Raveler non-knitting friends, but perhaps my knitting bores them (you?) anyway. And, if you need a fix of my current project, you can always surf my flickr knitting photostream. Ravelry is a walled garden, but it is easy enough to score an invitation (just ask). If you knit, join me on Ravelry!