Gratitude is my top strength, from (gratitude #31)

I took the VIA Signature Strengths test at (test is free, but requires registration on their site). Here are my top 5 strengths. The one thing that stands out to me is that my top strength in this survey is gratitude. Since I have been intentionally cultivating gratitude this year, I wonder if I would have tested strongly in it before, or whether I’m farming it in myself. Hard to know objectively, but I’m not sure I mind.

  1. Gratitude. You are aware of the good things that happen to you, and you never take them for granted. Your friends and family members know that you are a grateful person because you always take the time to express your thanks.
  2. Citizenship, teamwork, and loyalty. You excel as a member of a group. You are a loyal and dedicated teammate, you always do your share, and you work hard for the success of your group.
  3. Forgiveness and mercy. You forgive those who have done you wrong. You always give people a second chance. Your guiding principle is mercy and not revenge.
  4. Appreciation of beauty and excellence. You notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience.
  5. Capacity to love and be loved. You value close relations with others, in particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated. The people to whom you feel most close are the same people who feel most close to you.

I’m curious what some of my close friends and family strengths are. Test yourself and see at For anyone leery, it’s part of UPenn and research on positive psychology, not some wacky Internet test with dancing bunnies at the end.