
  • My Flickr Feed Recharged

    I’ve long loved Flickr. I’ve been a pro member for years and I have so far resisted the lure of Instagram, mostly out of loyalty.

    Yet, as I’ve switched from taking photographs on a digital camera to taking snapshots on my phone, I haven’t been updating Flickr as much as I used to. Somehow the cell phone photos didn’t feel as Flickr-worthy, and I was sharing them in other ways (via email or via G+ now and then). And, for those who know my love of knitting, my vehicle to upload photos to my Ravelry projects used to be via Flickr (hence all the photos of yarn and partially knitted items in my Flickr feed) but I now use Ravulous on the phone to populate my Ravelry photos. Ravulous meant that my only remaining reason to use Flickr (to get photos into Ravelry) went away. Plus, every application on my phone (Dropbox, G+) wants to auto-archive my photos for me, so saving them “up” to Flickr felt less urgent.

    Anyway, I’ve decided to shed my reluctance to showcase the more informal cell phone photos (cell phone cameras are actually quite good these days) and get back to posting on Flickr (and yes on this blog).

    It’s my 2014 New Year’s Resolution. Share a little more, take more photos. Post more in this blog. I am happier when I’m doing these things. So if you don’t see me doing these things, prompt me. It’s for the good of those around me ;).

    Edit in January 2019 – now that flickr has been acquired again and changed the membership again, I’m moving my photos to Google Photos and removing them from this site, including this post!