My 2009 theme – not a green roof but a green life (green #1)

"Green" Roof_5-29-08 originally uploaded by jimbrickett

So, after a few conversations and some reflection, I think my vision of a green roof in my “what is your life’s work” post was metaphorical rather than literal.

  • Do I quit my job as a project manager and Director of Happiness and go back to my “roots” in ecology? Farm a bunch of roof turf? Evangelize strengthening supporting beams? Develop a new variety of roof turf? The action items weren’t flowing. So I decided to be less literal.
  • Was the vision of a green roof really about aligning myself with my yearning to live in greater harmony.

Although I had one flight of fancy in which I shocked a friend when I described an ecosystem including bears and wolves on top of our homes and offices, I think the realistic goal is the latter. So, if my work to align with my green instincts manifests as a rooftop garden, fine (though the pitched roof of our home and our backyard shed are going to make that a particular challenge), but it is more about greening my life up in all aspects, not just the rooftop.

So, my new theme is green living, little ways to align better with my years old resolution of living in a more sustainable and healthy manner.