What a glorious sunshiney day. My semi-elderly cat is soaking up the rays, moving from chair to chair in the dining room as the sliver of sunshine arcs across the room. He’s loving the sunshine too, flipping over now and then to “brown the other side”.
Franziska and Dick says
good photo that really captures the essence of cat. They know how to find the best places.
Our cat, truly elderly, meows at the porch door on sunny days, longing for heated, luxurious days of long naps in the summer sun. This winter, she must content herself with an electric heating pad encased in imitation sheepskin. We both know it’s not the same.
Cuddles comes out of her electric nest for affection frequently now as if she is saying goodbye. She’s more affectionate than she’s ever been, and seeks me out when I sit down. Before, Dick was her only true love.
We hope she makes it to summer.