These things and people gave me a good 2007.
- My mom’s health.
- Stephen for teaching me an awful lot about the web and making some cool sites.
- Kraig for making things happen.
- Chris W. for all his help.
- Andy and Brent and Mark for cheery heart.
- Dan for the big picture.
- Chris G. for his insight and clarity.
- Helene for inspiration.
- Daniel and JP at Pure Visibility for making me feel welcome and helping me be useful there.
- Patrick at PV for his thoughtfulness.
- Dave B. and Maria for their easygoing positivity.
- Ed for the opportunity.
- Linda and Catherine at PV for making a great place to work.
- Beverly for cultural events and dinner parties, especially her amazing paella.
- Vici for understanding.
- Sue for caring for Floyd and for everyone.
- Chrissy for long talks and also for Theo and Becca.
- My Dave for keeping a roof over my head during my wanderings, but mostly for taking the edge off by making me laugh.