Bathroom Renovation

Our big news is that we had our bathroom gutted this summer. On August 6, they came in and knocked our old bathroom out, tossing it in pieces out the little window, down a chute, and into a skip in the driveway. It came apart quickly. It has come back together a bit more slowly.

My husband put his engineering degree to use in rigging up a shower in the basement out of 2 garden hoses, a submersible sump pump, an inflatable kiddy pool, and an outdoor shower setup. I was completely skeptical and imagined trekking to the Ann Arbor Y for showers, but it’s been absolutely fine.

When they first ripped out the old fixtures, plaster, and floor, I was shocked at how tiny the room looked. And, I wondered why we’d bothered writing that very big check to destroy this very small room. It seemed impossibly small when it was empty.

It’s starting to look like a real bathroom now, and the design decisions we made are starting to twinkle out at me, reminding me that I really did dislike cozying up to the toilet just so I could wash my hands in the sink. The big improvement was a pocket door, by freeing up the space for the door swinging into the room, we got to give the toilet and sink some distance from each other.

It’s not done yet, but we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

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