So, my most excellent friend Chris has loaned me his copy of Stumbling on Happiness. It is giving me interesting things to think about including this: According to the author, there is something called an “inescapability trigger” that brings our “psychological immune system” of denial, looking to the bright side, and generally improving our experience…
So, we got a phone call several weeks ago, asking whether we’d consider showing our home on the Ann Arbor Old West Side (OWS) Annual Homes Tour. We agreed. After a brief rush mixing panic and euphoria, I now have about 12,000 little projects I want to do before the tour (Sunday, September 17). Repaint…
I flew! (briefly, supervised by husband’s flight instructor) (I think I’m still high)
My goals for standup are: actually communicate get remote folks more familiar with each other (make Chicago and Berlin friends ;)) provide a forum so that I can act less as a clearinghouse/sole gate for communicating with remote folks (though I realize this is much of my job and will continue to be a big…
So, a “stand-up” meeting is a communication ritual from Extreme Programming (XP). The developers were sick of long, boring meetings wasting all their time, so someone came up with the idea of ritualizing a quick and productive status meeting. Stand-up has to be short because no one is allowed to sit down. I believe in…
My nephew seems to be enjoying the robot I knitted for him….